Leadership Training Videos
Courtesy of
Huntsville Council of PTAs
The secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of proceedings of the local PTA.
Maintain an accurate list of memberships as received from the membership chair.
Record all business transacted at each general meeting, board meeting, and executive committee meeting and present the minutes for approval at the next meeting.
Have for reference at each meeting: bylaws; agenda; minutes of previous meetings, including treasurer’s reports; list of committees with members’ names; and list of PTA members.
Prepare in advance of each meeting an agenda, if requested by the president.
Call meeting to order in the absence of the president or vice presidents, unless bylaws specify otherwise, preside until a chair pro-tempore is elected. Count a rising vote when requested by the presiding officer.
Act as custodian of all records, except those specifically assigned to others, and promptly deliver all records to successor.
Conduct the correspondence of the association.
Notify officers, committee members, and delegates of their election.
Send notices of board and general meetings.
National PTA has a large amount of resources.
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Secretary Resources